Mandarin is a deliciously sweet citrus fruit with a fragrant fruity aroma, and it's commonly eaten fresh or used in making main dishes, desserts, and salads. Mandarin oranges are pretty juicy and are often used for making fresh orange juice and marmalade. You can also blend them with other fruits to make delicious and refreshing fruit cocktails. Other recipes you can use Mandarin oranges as an ingredient include cakes, curd, dressing, sauces, and breads. The brightness and sweetness of this small lovely fruit can aggrandize any recipe while enhancing its taste and flavor. Besides that, the peels are also highly beneficial and useful. Mandarin orange peels are commonly used for flavoring dishes, pastries, desserts, candies, and drinks. The lovely Mandarin orange fruit is not just sweet and delicious; it is an amazing source of Vitamin C and other micronutrients essential to our bodies.
لكل 100غ | ||
السعرات الحرارية | 53 | |
القيمة اليومية | % | |
دهون | 0.3 غ | 0 |
كوليسترول | 0 مغ | 0 |
صوديوم | 2 مغ | 0 |
بوتاسيوم | 166 مغ | 4 |
كربوهيدرات | 13 غ | 4 |
ألياف غذائية | 1.8 غ | 7 |
سكريات | 11 غ | |
بروتين | 0.8 غ | 1 |
فيتامين أ | 13 | |
فيتامين ج | 44 | |
فيتامين د | 0 | |
فيتامين ب6 | 5 | |
كالسيوم | 3 | |
حديد | 1 | |
النسب المئوية للقيم اليومية تعتمد على نظام غذائي يحوي 2,000 سعرة | ||
القيم اليومية قد تكون أعلى أو أقل حسب إحتياجاتك اليومية من السعرات. |
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يوسفي طازج